I'm so sick today but I made it to church to ensure our HFPE handouts got passed out and announcements made to try to get our ladies there this Thursday. Sister Bonnie S., our teacher in Relief Society, showed this video of the growth of the stakes of the Church since the Church was restored upon the earth in the latter days. I was crying. It was such a moment of testimony of the strength of the Gospel. Every time a red dot appears, it's the formation of another stake. It is awesome. This is about all I can post for today. Off to the couch I go again. Enjoy!
Yeah I shared that on my blog too and about how happy I am that our family have found happiness, joy, and blessings from the only true church and I got a mean comment on how wrong I am for separating the religions and how only the bible is Gods books. Upset me something awful that I deleted the comment and most of what I wrote to not get comments like that ever again!
I didn't make the Zuppa like I wanted to so I will definitely make it Friday. If you want to get in on the next Co-op go to www.bountifulbaskets.org and click on the West Valley and order by(I think the next order deadline once it opens up) is on the 18th and pick up would be the 21st at 7:15am. It is SO worth the 17 dollars!!! See you tomorrow!
I have seen this too. It is quite the feeling to watch it and know we are a part of this time. Thanks for posting it.
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