Got up to go to church and C had the tv on. While I was putting my makeup on, a news conference from the White House came on about the spread of the swine flu from Mexico. C started to change it and I asked him to please change it back. As part of my job, I am responsible for Business Continuity Planning in my business unit. We have been talking about and planning for the Bird Flu for a couple of years now. Everyone kept saying it was inevitable. That it would be the next pandemic flu. And, that it could kill millions of people like the flu of 1918. Well, I think the swine flu may be the one that actually overtakes the bird flu and does it. I listened and listened and I think the government is downplaying the severity of this potential disaster. This can really wipe out a lot of people - quickly. The fact that there are over 100 people dead in Mexico from it already and Arizona is on the border of Mexico and there are no cases here yet, surprises me. But, there will be. I'm sure of it. I'm so grateful that we've been gathering our food storage because if this gets really bad, there will be no food in the stores eventually.
I finally got to church and once again - noisy kids. It's so frustrating to sit there and try to listen and not be able to hear. I told C that from now on, we are sitting in the first 5 or 6 rows. The kids up there are almost always good, if there are any, and it's much easier to hear the speakers and pay attention. I think that's why C sometimes falls asleep in Sacrament Meeting - because he can't hear the speakers. So, we'll try that from now on.
Sunday School was good - about the gifts of the Spirit. Relief Society - EXCELLENT. Sister Bingham was tasked with teaching again because Sister Chacon was really sick (bummer! I love her lessons!). But, Sister Bingham once again was truly inspired and let the Spirit take the class. People shared their testimonies of how they gained their testimony. It was very powerful. Many tears again. I felt prompted to get up too, but my experience I wanted to share is too sacred for me to share in an open forum. Maybe someday I will share it more freely, but not right now.
I have to say that I am so very GRATEFUL that we are in this ward. It is a very special ward. We don't have the cliques that other wards have and the ward is very humble. I look forward to each and every Sunday now.
After church, my visiting teacher came over. We visited while I finished making my seafood macaroni salad. I really like Megan. She is a very sweet young lady. I'm quite envious of her - she gets to go to Girl's Camp this year. I haven't done that since I was 17. Maybe some year down the road....

We then headed off to Craig and Lisa's for dinner. Yum. Loved it. Loved it all. The hot dogs with DW chili - great idea. Simple. Easy. Yum. We gave Craig 2 cases of Top Ramen as part of his birthday present. When he was here two weeks ago, he had asked Lisa how much food storage they had. Unfortunately, he hasn't been too up on spending money to buy food storage, so her reply was something to the effect of "hardly any." He got a kick out of the Ramen as food storage. I told Lisa that we will be giving him something of food storage from now on for his birthday or Christmas or whatever. Maybe he will get on board eventually.
We took Koda with us and he and Maxine played for hours. Koda finally took enough steps into the pool to get all four feet onto the first step. You could tell he could see the next step but that he couldn't tell how deep it was. There was one point where he slipped just a bit and end up on the second step, but he didn't panic quite like last summer. So, that is good. Maybe he will do even better when we take him the next time. Hopefully the water will be warm enough then for me to get in and help him.

We headed for home around 8:15 and got home about 9. Called Dad back to see what he needed and helped him with some computer stuff. I started having my tell-tale signs of an oncoming migraine - blurriness in my right eye and then the swirling dots. Then, the excruciating pain. Thank goodness I am finished helping fix his problem - I am now off the phone, am going to go take some medicine, and am heading for bed. Hopefully, combatting it this early will help it go away quickly!
Hope you're feeling better today. I have discovered that wieners help bring on my migraines. Sad, I love a good wiener!
What a big job catching up on all those posts, but thank you, because I sure loved reading them all! What a great time with Jen and her family. Pictures please of the office now. The shelves with the cameras sounds awesome. I really liked the vinyl on the eggs. What a smart idea. And Craig's haircut is f.a.b.u.l.o.u.s. FINALLY! Your Easter table is beautiful. I love to help Lisa clean out and organize all her cupboards and closets too, when I come. I don't know why--but it's fun at someone's elses house and I love working together with her! Glad you and Jennifer could do that together.
Love You!
p.s. I'm afraid of this swine flu, too.
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