Saturday, September 15, 2012

Phoenix Temple Update

It seems like the last few months have gone by REALLY slowly when it comes to the construction of our temple.  Maybe it's because it has been the summer and it's so hot here and to work on all of this metal in that heat was just not safe.  I'm not sure.  However, it has looked like this since late July/early August:
Picture by Brian Olsen via
But, just this week, it went from this:
Picture by Bill Burch via
The framework for the temple was finally finished!  The steeple part was installed atop the temple frame.  It's amazing how big and heavy the smallest, but last, piece looks compared to the workers.
Picture by Dave & Audrey Simonsen via
Picture by Dave & Audrey Simonsen via
I really like this picture (although not that great since it was taken with a cell phone camera) that shows the steeple peeking through the trees in the adjoining neighborhood.  It is actually starting to seem "real" now rather than just a big hole in the ground.  What I love about the picture most though is that I can imagine how the temple will look when it is done and I can "see" it in front of those "mountains" that the neighbors were throwing such fits about and how they would lose their "view."  Well, seriously, what a more beautiful view the temple will make it!
Picture by Dave & Audrey Simonsen via
Still no estimated date on completion.  The website is still saying 2013-2014.  I guess that's not really all that far off, but when you really NEED to go to the temple and to go to the closest one involves a block of, at minimum, 5 hours to get there, be there, and get home, it's hard to fit it in.  This will be so nice for it to be so close and I can just go before or after work.
Oh...and these facade pieces are on-site now too for show.  Beautiful!
Picture by Michael Provard via
I can barely wait!!!

1 comment:

Lisa Tucker said...

These pictures are wonderful!!! I can not wait either!