Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Own Bed!

Yeah, I'm finally home! Man, does it feel good! I slept for about 10 hours last night and it was so nice. There is just something wonderful about sleeping in your own bed (yes, Jenn, we have a very nice bed - just bought a new mattress about a year ago and it's like sleeping on a cloud). The only time I woke up, I think, was when my aging body forced me to get up to go to the tinkletorium.

Was supposed to get together with my VT comp and make Easter Egg sugar cookies for our teachees, but was way too tired from the week so we will do it Wednesday night instead. C and I are heading to the Easter pageant on Tuesday night. I love the pageant, especially the end when Christ ascends into heaven. It's so touching.

Holly Valles came over today and I fitted my old wedding dress to her so I can alter it for her to wear for her sealing and open house. She looks so beautiful in it. It brought back a couple of memories, but they quickly flitted away and all I could focus on was helping her. More about Holly at a later time....


Cindy said...

Glad you had a safe trip and are home. There's nothing quite like your own bed!

Angela said...

Glad you made it back okay...there is definately no place like home!

Jennifer said...

You must have a better bed than me! I like Marriott beds way better than my own. But I do like to be in my own room. I am glad that you are home. I just wish your home was closer to mine.

Jennifer said...

Maybe you'll see Aunt Marj there. She said she was going.