Do you ever have one of those days where you just want to drive aimlessly and explore what's around you? You just want to be by yourself for a while. You just want some peace and quiet and some time to think. I have them, but don't often get to do them. One day last week, I decided to take a detour on my way home. Of course, I stopped off at Real Deals - for the first time ever on a Thursday. Picked up a couple cute little visiting teaching gifts and headed for home. I decided to boycott the freeway and Bell Road and just head home on Olive the whole way. The traffic was so much lighter and it felt as if I would make it there so much faster than normal!
As I was driving, I once again saw the flower fields where they grow the bare root rose bushes...

I kept driving, just thinking about stuff, looking at things around me, and just having a pleasant Thursday afternoon knowing I didn't have to go to work the next day. I soon decided to turn onto Cactus Lane. We had heard that the new ward building would be built on this street so I took a gander. There it was...a sign with the church's name on it and "Cactus Ward". I think the sign maker forgot to add the word "Lane" inbetween Cactus and Ward though. They have been working on grading the land and it was beautiful fresh dirt.

The really nice thing about this site is that it is fairly close to the site where we hope a temple will someday be built. I'm afraid that it's just a little too far though for patrons to park there and walk though, if necessary. I guess only time will tell though.
After I passed the new church building site, I drove up Sarival and I looked all around me. Yes, the last 8 years have brought a lot of growth to our little corner of Arizona, but I love that I can still drive down a road near my home and see this... on one side of the street and big farm fields on the other side of the street. Fields for miles. Mountains still untouched by homes crawling up the side of them. Bright blue sky. And more fields. I love it out here....
You must be my sista! I feel the same way. I love the open rolling fields and untouched land. Like or not, I guess we are a little bit country!
I love everything about these pictures. I have begged Ehren a few time to stop at the roses so I can take pictures of them but now. I want to remember all these fields before they are gone. I love looking out the widows upstairs (which I will miss) and seeing the steeple and fields. Thanks for sharing this!!!!
I love driving down Olive so I can see those roses too!
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