Thursday, December 2, 2010

Little Steps...

Just received this in my email this morning.  Joyous news!  Sure, it's just a baby step in the grand scheme of things, but at least it's news and at least it's progress.

On Tuesday, November 30, the City of Phoenix Planning and Development Services Department approved the preliminary site plan for the Phoenix Arizona Temple, which was redesigned to lower the total height of the building 4 feet and the occupied portion of the building 10 feet. The plan meets all zoning requirements including set-backs, height, lighting, landscaping, and parking. Final site plans are to be submitted before building permits are received. No groundbreaking date has been announced for the temple.
I'm going to just keep adding it to my prayers that this work will progress quickly so we can finally get the temple up here on this end of town where it's needed!  I am just so happy about this because it has been a while since I have been to the temple.  I miss it.  It is an hour away - which I know is NOT that far - but add to that the 3 hours you're there, along with another hour to get home, that's 5 hours.  With my schedule and Melon Man's schedule, it just never works out that we can go together.  The only day I can really go is Saturday and it's always so busy there on Saturdays with weddings and everyone else going then that it really doesn't make for an enjoyable experience for me.  With the new temple being so close, I'll be able to go right after work and still get home at a decent time.  I could probably go once a week even!

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