Saturday, June 2, 2012

Zhenis' Baptism Day

Today was Zhenis (pronounced like "ja niece" but more of a "zha niece" sound) Dulaney's baptism day.  This sweet little girl made the choice to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - and I was asked to play the piano for her special day.  About a month or so ago, her mom told me she'd been praying about who to ask to participate in the day and that she was prompted to ask me.  I was very honored.  I didn't know why - I haven't really had much to do with Zhenis other than when she was selling Girl Scout cookies last year and we ordered 10 boxes (at first...and then 5 more later on!).  She was SO excited about our order!  Yeah...we didn't need that many boxes, but hey, I'm a sucker for little girls selling Thin Mints and Samoas!

Zhenis looked so sweet and cute today.  We sang "The Holy Ghost" and "When I am Baptized".  I was really nervous because the prelude, songs, and interim music really helps bring the spirit to those who are there to witness this special event.  I did fine though - no major mistakes.

Leah Smith, the Primary President gave a really sweet talk about baptism and she was able to engage the little children with a story about the Three Bears.  When we are baptized, we BEAR Christ's name and promise to follow him.  We BEAR testimony of Christ.  And, we BEAR one another's burdens, to make them light.  I thought it was a clever way to explain the promises of baptism to the children.

Robert Hyde gave a talk about the Holy Ghost.  It was so sweet to see how tender his heart is about the Primary children that he and his wife teach.

And then Zhenis' grandfather gave a very sweet talk about how proud he and her grandmother are of her and that she was able to come from another country and have the opportunity to be baptized.  She is from Khazakstan.

So touching though, was her father confirming her a member of the church.  Just the simple little blessing he gave her, but the tears he shed and the love he expressed for her, was amazing.

I was supposed to go to the temple with the youth today to do baptisms for the dead, but when I agreed to play the piano for today, I hadn't checked my calendar to remember that I already had that other commitment and so I've been in a quandary about what to do about the conflict for a couple of weeks now.  I know I was meant to play the piano today and to be there at that special event for Zhenis.  I'm very grateful that her mom prayed to be inspired as to who to ask.  It's been a lovely day to remember.


Cindy said...

Love the children's baptisms.

Zhenis Dulaney said...

I was wondering about my Baptism, and I'm surprised that there's a blog on it! Man.. almost eight years ago! I was a tiny child, but now I'm a bit more grown up. Time sure does fly..
I love it to this day how I chose to be baptized, because I've met so many great people, made so many new friends, and I've gained the chance for my testimony to grow.