Friday, August 24, 2012

To the Cannery I Will Go...

Took the day off today so I could go to the wet pack cannery in Mesa.  Even though I had the day off, I still ended up working almost 2 hours due to a conference call with a vendor in the U.K.  I'm excited about this new project I am working on.  I love hearing the British accents - although some of them are a little difficult to understand sometimes.

Anyway, after the conference call was over, I flitted about for a bit - okay, I fell asleep on the sofa for an hour - and then I got up, got ready to go, and was out the door to Mesa.  Brother Garcia and President Ritman were there from our ward.  All of the other folks were from a ward in Tempe.  We bottled "catsup" today.  When I first walked into the cannery, I was like...yuck...I bet we're doing ketchup or salsa sure smells like it.  Yep, I was right.  I was in charge of putting the filled bottles into the cooling machine.  It was super steamy since the entrance of the machine is hot so it can wash off all the bottles.  It doesn't get cool until down at the other end.

We were supposed to be there from 1 until 5:30, but we finished around 3:30.  I bought two cases of Beef Chunks for our storage.  They were kind of costly, but it will be good to have them.  I headed out for home, but not before stopping at the QT for a huge, refreshing soda.  The traffic was quite heavy and there were at least 5 accidents along the way, three of which were all within about 1-2 miles.  I talked with Jen as I drove (thank goodness for Bluetooth).  Then, I stopped off at the nails place where Dolly and I got our nails done while she was here and I got my nails redone.  I really don't want this to become a habit, but I really do enjoy the "pampering" time for myself and I really like the way my nails look.  It's just gel polish, but it's amazing how much longer it lasts versus just regular polish.

I came home after picking up some KGC - Kentucky Grilled Chicken - and started working on my lesson for this weekend.  Hopefully, Melon Man and I can go out on our date tomorrow that we were supposed to go on last week.  I need some one-on-one time with him.  Oh...and I HAVE to give him a haircut...he's looking like Dilbert's pointy haired boss again!

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