Monday, June 9, 2008

It's a "Green" Day and I'm Not Talking About the Band...

For years, I've wanted to join a vanpool to ride in to and from work. My commute is 40+ miles roundtrip each day. Granted, for some people, that isn't that much. But for me, it's 90 minutes of literal H*!$ almost each and every day. The traffic is horrible. The drivers are horrible. My stress level rises. I have to drive into the blinding sun. I worry I'm going to get a red-light running ticket every day going through this one intersection twice a day. I get to work and I have to force myself to be happy once I reach the property gates. Now, add the fact that gas is over $4.00 a gallon and that makes it even worse! It was $4.05 when I left for work on Friday and it was $4.15 when I came home. ANYHOW, I have finally worked it out with my boss to be able to join the vanpool on a trial basis. So...the $400+ I'm spending on just me driving to work each month will now drop to about $50! Rock on! Plus, I get to sit back and relax for 60-90 minutes each day! I think I'll start taking my scriptures along to read!

There are nine of us in our van...that is 8 less cars on the road!

So sick to my stomach all weekend. Didn't get one thing done on Saturday. Was in bed or on the couch sleeping off the flu from 5:30 pm on Friday until 10 pm on Saturday. Rarely moved other than to go to the bathroom or switch locations. Yuck. Finally got up and went to church on Sunday, but was sickly all the rest of the day. Even still feeling it today. Anyone ever experienced stabbing knives in your stomach for 4 days?

Dropped my Photography class last week. Lots of reasons why. Just felt it was the best thing though. Hello refund!

Got the rest of my shopping done for HFPE tonight. Tomorrow or Wednesday will be grabbing the stuff for the dinner. Thank goodness for C's Walmart discount...I wonder if the ward clerk ever notices it on the receipts....


Jennifer said...

I am so glad that your boss is letting you do the vanpool. That will be valuable time you can spend doing other things while someone else does the driving.
Colton had the same flu this weekend. I have never seen him throw up so violently. It was scary. Hope you are feeling better soon. Love you.

Cindy said...

Adrianne had the same flu too!

You are so clever with your posts. I love the green theme.

Yay for the vanpool! Let us know how it works for you. Think of all the things you can work on while someone else battles the traffic! I'd get carsick and be downing the Dramamine!

Love Ya--

Jodi said...

Hope you are feeling better, I hate the flu.