I was so tired today from my travels yesterday, that I didn't get into work until about 10 a.m. today. I just could not get up and going. I felt like what I assume a hangover would feel like. I just couldn't function.
After work, I went to a couple of stores looking for a new pair of work shoes. Couldn't find anything in my big ol' humongo 11 wide size. Bummer. Next, I went to Archivers to look for the new i-Rock hot application tool.
I then headed over to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Yes, I ate alone. But, that's okay. It doesn't bother me. I had a pasta dish that was kind of just okay. The guy recommended it, but of course, that's all personal taste.
Jennifer is finally off to camp. I wonder if she's gotten the goodies I sent to her. Since she is away from any access to a computer, I'll post what I sent to her. Each one has a very special meaning to it in regard to the things we worked on together for camp. I sent all of these up to her friend, Stephanie, and she is going to give one to Jen each day as I directed.
The first day, I gave her these black, white, and gray potholders. (Auntie Sigie had made them for me a while back and I'd not ever used them yet. I knew there was a reason why...they were meant for this.) Everything I gave her, except tomorrow's gift, is in black and white. There is a reason for that. The girls were learning about choices this year - about how a choice is either black or white. It's never gray. These potholders were perfect.
This is what I wrote on the little card I made:
I was really inspired how the colors Black and White were chosen for this year’s camp and how there is no gray when we make choices. Sometimes when we make bad choices, we get burned. I hope these potholders will remind you of camp each time you use them.
For Tuesday's gift, I'm giving her these magnets. I made them myself. The colors didn't come out perfectly, but it's the thought that counts. I think the card is pretty readable in the picture. (That cursive word is Flowers and yes, we spent hours making sure the necklace colors were perfect. It was too bad that my busy work schedule prevented me from getting the flowers printed on a high-quality paper so the colors would be perfect on the magnets too.)
On Wednesday, Jen will receive a "Mom's" letter from me. One day when we were talking about camp, as we did usually EVERY day, she mentioned to me that she had requested that the moms of each camp leader write their daughters a letter to receive while at camp. She was saddened that our mom wasn't able to do the same. Little did she know, but I had already planned on writing her a letter before she even told me about the others!
I'm not going to put the whole letter on here, but there are a couple of things I did want to share from it:
There is so much more to the letter, but it is personally geared to her so I won't add it here. On the letter, I even used the swirls and flowers that we used for all the camp stuff.My heart is really full lately - sometimes to overflowing. I don't think I've ever done so little that seems so inconsequential to me, that has and will so consequentially affect so many other people. I am so grateful to have been asked to use the talents, that I often feel are so non-talent-like, to help with your Girls Camp. I have, for so long, desired to be part of Girls Camp in my own stake, but have never been asked. Now, without it being a formal calling, I've been given the opportunity to do so for your stake - from 700 miles away and I will forever be touched by the experience!
I have shed many tears while helping you with these tasks - not tears from being tired or overwhelmed - but tears filled with the Spirit because I have been drawn so much closer to our Heavenly Father through this experience. I have felt His hand guide mine many, many times as I’ve been able to do things that I didn’t know how to do before. I’ve felt His arms encircle me to tell me that what I’ve created is good in His eyes and that it is right for the girls. I’ve felt His words come out of my mouth to help calm you when you’ve been stressed about something and I’ve felt His reassurance that all will be as it should be.
I’ve seen you grown tremendously as a leader during this experience. There have been times where I am astounded by the change I’ve seen in you. I’ve always looked at you as my little sister. But during this time, I’ve seen you stand on your own, stand in front of others, and shine, take charge, and go forward.
I’ve watched and been in awe as you’ve thought of the special little touches to make camp personal for each girl such as the sign language letters on the programs for the fireside. Who knows...that girl may not have wanted to go to camp this year, but because you thought of something like that, she will come and she will draw closer to her Heavenly Father.
You mean so much to me and I am so very PROUD of you.
Love and koom-by-ya,Your Sissy – Kristin Piston
On Thursday, she will receive this tile. It's made from black granite with white vinyl. I was so afraid to ship it, but Stephanie took it out of the box, unwrapped it, checked it, and it was just fine. This is the theme for camp this year and so, sticking with the black and white theme, I made this for her. I hope she likes it. Black is not really in her colors for her home, but I think it will still look really pretty in the right place and every time she sees it, it will remind her of camp and of our time working together.
The card for this says:
I hope you’ll enjoy this tile. It’s made of granite – hard and firm like our testimonies should be – black and white like our choices should be – and a reminder that our Heavenly Father is always there for us. Just be Strong and have Courage.
On Friday, she'll receive these thank you notes that I made for her. Again, using the black and white theme, along with the damask print we used on the fireside posters....
The card on these says:
From the beginning when we used damask for the fireside posters, to the end when you need to say thank you to your committee, I hope you’ll enjoy these simple but elegant Thank You cards.
It truly has been wonderful being able to help her with camp. I can't wait to do it again next year!
So, this morning, I decided to take pictures of myself with my new haircut and color. I LOVE IT. It's sassy and spunky and makes me feel good. Yeah, I'm not so good with taking pictures of myself, but I guess they didn't turn out too bad.
I started to drive to work today and thought I'd take some pictures (while I was driving - not an easy OR good thing to do!) The humidity is SO bad here that you can actually see it. No, this is not smog, it is moisture in the air...kind of like when you take a hot shower on a cold morning and the bathroom becomes all full of mist.
It was a long day at work and as I was heading back to my hotel, I had to go through this tunnel. Now, let me just say...some DORK either designed this tunnel and freeway, or some DORK designed this tunnel and freeway. This tunnel is just as you come around a bend in the freeway and there is absolutely NO WAY to 1) see this sign before coming up to the tunnel or 2) go anywhere once you get there and suddenly find out it's closed! What moron decided there needed to be a sign here? Unfortunately, you don't really get the jist of what I'm trying to get across, because you've very likely never been on this freeway and come around this bend and gone through this tunnel, but believe me...it is major LAME-O.
1 comment:
Perfect things for Jenn. You two have so many gifts and talents! It was very kind, sweet, insightful to do that and surprise her!
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