Thursday, June 5, 2008

Flat Stanley Arrives!

Flat Stanley arrived today! Yay!!! Clint and I met at China Buffet tonight for dinner because I was pressed for time. He brought Flat Stanley along with him. Flat Stanley enjoyed the egg rolls, chicken wings, dim sum, potstickers, egg foo young, and pizza! He said there were too many people there that were touching the food on the buffet line with their fingers though so he didn't want to go back there again too soon. While we were there, Clint and I thought of all kinds of places we could take Flat Stanley. So, watch for Flat Stanley's travel "blog" to appear once in a while! Thanks for sending him, Cristobal Jalapeno! He makes me happy!

After dinner, I picked up Casey and we went Visiting Teaching tonight to a new sister on our route. It was nice to get to know her a little more. She has two little girls, Shyla and Kaley. They were quite the entertainers! I have a difficult time with VTing in this ward. I don't know very much about a lot of the ladies and so it's hard for me to "desire" to visit them. I have really made a commitment this past 2 years to try to do my VTing each month - with or without my partner. Everytime I get to know my ladies though, they get changed. I'm hoping that now that I have a partner who will go with me, that our ladies will stay the same for a while so I can form a relationship with these sisters. My desire is to truly serve them and get to know them rather than just go for a visit and then call in my report. As a woman who has needed the help of my VTers and then not been able to rely on them, I hope to be better than that. I hope they will feel comfortable calling me when they are in need and I hope I will be sensitive to the Spirit to know when they need me.

Afterwards, we raced back to my house and the HFPE ladies came over, along with Wade - the son of one of the ladies (Denise) and we worked on the reminder handouts for this month's Enrichment - with the help of Flat Stanley!

Our theme this month is Survivor, as in the TV show, and for the handout we gathered empty personal size water bottles, added some sand and a little rolled up and tied "message in a bottle."

It didn't take too long to get all of the bottle labels peeled off, the sand in the bottles, and then the messages rolled and tied. The only problem was that the sand was wet and so we just left the caps off and will let it dry out over the next couple of days. Sunday morning, I'll drop the messages in and put the caps on before taking them to church. I hope all works out...I'm a little nervous about this one!

On a note of AGE...and boy am I feelin' is my 21 year anniversary of graduating from Cyprus High School! I CANNOT believe it has been that long! Where has the time gone? Just recently I reconnected with a friend of mine from high school, Marty Ricks, and it brought back so many memories! Oh, to be young again. Go Pirates!


Jennifer said...

We are glad Stanley got there safely. What a creative home we sent him to. He looks like he is having lots of fun.

Jodi said...

I just love your handout. I always forget what night enrichment is on. I get the handouts during primary on sunday so it gets stuffed in my primary bag, and then forgotten.

Cindy said...

I can't wait to hear how the evening went! You are so very creative.