Today was the annual Primary program in Sacrament Meeting at church. I couldn't stop crying. It was all about eternal families. It was so sweet seeing these young children singing and speaking of their faith in having an eternal family, not just one until they die. You could tell that it was something these children believe - not something they've been forced to accept. My favorite part of the entire program was toward the end when the Bingham family got up to sing Love is Spoken Here. Jennifer is one of the most wonderful, spiritual young women I have ever known. She used to be our Relief Society President and I always knew she would bring the spirit to our meetings when she would lead or speak. Here she was, with her little family, up on the stand singing. You could tell she was overcome with emotion too as she was struggling to sing her part. Our eyes met and I winked at her. She could see I was crying too. I hoped that my little gesture would give her the strength to continue on through the song. Even her husband was choked up. It was such a wonderful program.
After church, we raced home. I have really been trying hard to keep my commitment to not spending money so I had put a pork roast in the oven before we left for church. Unfortunately, for some reason, I thought church was only 2 hours long, not 3! All during church I had sat there thinking about how this roast was going to be burned to a crisp. I thought about running home and turning it off, etc., but decided not to. Luckily, I'd turned it down to 275* before we left, so it wasn't too overdone. It was SO good tasting though. I'd rubbed it with a little olive oil and then encrusted it with my prime rib rub seasoning. Oh YUM. I will definitely do it that way again. Made gravy and potatoes and some corn and salad. Oh YUM.
What a great Sabbath day!
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