Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nobody Believes Me...

...when I tell them how bad my house is sometimes.  It's so frustrating.  It's not Melon Man's fault.  He does what I ask to help clean it up.  I was so depressed about it today that I went around and took these pictures as proof.  I've worked so many hours since we got home from Utah, that I haven't had the time to either clean it up or direct Melon Man where to put things.  It's pretty sad.

There are boxes from QVC sitting in the living room.  They've been there for at least 2 MONTHS!
The suitcase is still sitting in the middle of the dining room floor.  There's an ice chest there, clothes on the rocking chair, clothes on the dining table chairs, stuff all over the table, and more...
There are two baskets of clean laundry sitting next to the table waiting to be folded.  And on top of the table, tons of already folded laundry and all the pill bottles along with refill bottles too - we don't take THAT many pills!
Don't miss the bag of dirty laundry from the trip that's sitting next to the chair too.  There is one more bag just like it inside the ice chest sitting on the island in the picture below.  I hate vacation laundry...

Check out this lovely picture...We bought a bunch of additional food storage items while we were there so they are all over our kitchen waiting to be put away somewhere.  There are cans piled up on the far counter, sugar and more cans and ramen and what not on the island, more cans on the stove counter, a case of mustard on the other counter, and of course my buckets of artisan flour.   It is crazy! 
Now, let's talk about more laundry.  This has become a really bad habit of ours.  We've begun stripping down as we walk through the house and the clothes end up on the back of the sofa...
Or on the floor in the bathroom...
So, there you have it.  Our messy house.  It has been like this for 3 weeks.  I finally couldn't take it anymore and Melon Man and I worked for a while and got it cleaned up.  Too bad we didn't get the office cleaned up too.  That's on tap for 4th of July weekend though.

One good thing that's been done around here is this...a doggie gate to the scrapbook room.  We were always having to keep the door closed so Dog wouldn't go in there and pooh after coming home from the Petshotel or to prevent Little Dog from going in there and peeing.  Keeping the door closed all the time was inhibiting the air flow in the house and that room was constantly cooler than the rest of the house.  So, we bought this nifty gate and Melon Man installed it for me.  So, now the air flows better, it keeps the dogs out, and if I ever find time to actually go in there to scrapbook, it will keep the dogs in too!
Oh...and by the way...this is how hot it is here today...for real.


Lisa Tucker said...

Ok I undertand now. I don't think it is messy, just stuff needs to be put away.

Casey Lu said...

I have to agree, not too bad just stuff needing to be put away! I need to get my family some food storage items too. Also, was so drooling over your decorative shelf!!! I so want one!!!