Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Blue Bird of Happiness - Um, NO!

Melon Man wanted to do something today, but I had a bunch of camp stuff to do so he decided to go to Prescott again.  Two weeks in a row...what is there to do in Prescott...just the swap meet and antique stores - of which both I really don't enjoy.  So, he called up Desert Dweller David and picked him up and off they went.  He said he'd be home around 3 so he could sleep for a few hours and then we could go out for date night to dinner somewhere.

Well...3 p.m. comes, no Melon Man.  Then 4, then 5, then 6.  Still no Melon Man.  I'm getting a little concerned by now.  Finally, the phone rings and he's telling me he's on his way home.  Then, I get a text message from David and this is what I see...

Um...NO WAY.

The two of them had found this old van up in Yarnell and just had to take a picture of it.  Melon Man thinks he's going to buy one and turn it into a motorhome for us.  No way...EVER.  But, good try honey.


Cindy said...

um.....i think not......!

Jennifer said...

I think Clintamous has a secret underlying obsession with driving an ice cream truck. Why doesn't he just quit his job and become an ice cream man? :)

Linda Lu said...

I love Jennifer's comment. I think she hit the nail on the head. And, maybe Dave can join him to sell those Ice Creams. Clint can drive and Dave can ring the bell. Since we know that if Dave does the driving the truck will have all kinds of scratches on it. Yes, he has put scratches on our new truck and told me that the branches must have just jumped out at him.